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College, Covid, and Craziness

Writer's picture: Jena StephansJena Stephans

I’m a planner. Research, reviews, and checklists are a big part of my existence. I like to feel prepared and in control. So much for that! 2020 has been like walking behind a huge detour sign and I can’t find my way back to the path I started on. Who would have thought we’d need to cancel family get-togethers, vacations, and appointments and have to choose between in-person or online worship and school? Certainly not me! If you’d asked me back in April if I thought I’d be able to move forward with a little more certainty in August, I would have said, “Absolutely!” But here I am feeling a little like a ball in a Bingo game, wondering when I’ll be bobbing up into my place ready to serve my purpose. My usual confident answers when my kids ask me about upcoming event dates have been replaced with, “I have no idea.” College start dates have been moved, along with fall and winter breaks, holiday gatherings are a big question mark, and who knows when I’ll have visitors back in my home. I don’t know if the kids I’m sending off to college will be gone for the entire semester or back in a week, joining my high school student who is already doing the online thing. What if they go and get sick? Do I prepare or just wait and see? As I was whining to God because I’m out of my comfort zone with all this Covid craziness, I heard His voice say, “Me first.” It sounds better when I say it—"me first” is easy—but I’m pretty sure it’s meant to be from His perspective. “God first.” The Holy Spirit also keeps sneaking “one day at a time” into my thoughts.

How is putting God first each day supposed to help me plan the rest of the year? It’s not. I don’t need to plan. God’s got it under control. If I wake up each morning and commit to giving my entire self to God and His purpose for me that day, surely I’m going to eliminate a whole lot of stress, worry, and need for control. Maybe I’ll accomplish things from the to-do list I’ve had since I birthed my first-born, or perhaps I’ll work on building my relationships with my family and friends, or just spend time training my new puppy (while waiting for communication from my college kids). Regardless, I know I’ll do a lot of praying and I'll be listening for His calls to action. Most importantly, I'll be bonding with my Creator…as He intended all along. One day at time. God first. I can do this, 2020!


Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

and do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge Him,

and He will make straight your paths.

~Proverbs 3:5-6~

Know a mom who needs encouraged? Letting Go Letting God: 30 Day Devotional for Moms of College Freshmen is available as eBook or paperback.
Click to order paperback or eBook version - 30 Day Devotional for Moms of College Freshmen


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